Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2011

"Who Shall Buy Paradise" - A Call to help the needy Muslims in Somalia

                      بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful
Praise is to Allah, a continuous everlasting praise most suiting to His greatness and station and peace and blessings of Allah upon the one inspired as a cautioner and glad tidings giver, and a mercy for the entire mankind, and on his family and companions

To proceed

Who shall buy Paradise?
The Muslim Somalia- Call of the Poor and Needy
Urgent Call- To the general People of Islam

Allah the Almighty says
“But the Messenger and those who believed with him fought with their wealth and their lives. Those will have [all that is] good, and it is those who are the successful.” (Surah Tawbah)

The Prophet ((peace be upon him)) mentioned amongst the seven who Allah will shade under His throne on the day when there is no shade except His 
a man who gives in charity and hides it, such that his left hand does not know what his right hand gives in charity

Allah the Almighty says
“But among the bedouins are some who believe in Allah and the Last Day and consider what they spend as means of nearness to Allah and of [obtaining] invocations of the Messenger. Unquestionably, it is a means of nearness for them. Allah will admit them to His mercy. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.”

On the authority of Abu Huraira May Allah be pleased with him- the Prophet (peace be upon him) said 

“Spend O son of Adam, so that you are spent upon” (Agreed upon)

Allah the Almighty says
“The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) is reported to have said “Charity extinguishes the heat of the graves for the charitable people. And the believer will stand in the shade of his charity on the day of resurrection.” Hadith classed as hasan- Targhib wa Tarheeb- classed as Saheeh by Albani.
Umar ibn al-khattab said: “The Messenger of Allah ordered us to give Sadaqah and I thought that today I will out-do Abu Bakr if I ever had to out-do him and thus brought half of my wealth. Rasulullah asked ‘What have you left for your family?’ I replied that I have left half of my wealth. Then Abu Bakr came with everything that he had and Rasulullah asked ‘What have you left for your family? Abu Bakr replied, 'I have left Allah and His Messenger.'”

Umar ibn al-khattab said: “I realised that I will never ever outdo him in anything.”

And from the Hadith of Muaadh: “…tell them that Allāh has made obligatory in their wealth a charity which is taken from the wealthy among them and given to the poor among them”
On the authority of Haritha bin Wahb who said I heard the messenger of Allah say: Give the sadaqa that is due on you before there comes a time where a person comes with his sadaqa he has to provide and doesn’t find any person to accept it. When he goes to give it to a man he replies if you came yesterday I would have been in need of it, not anymore.

Allah the Almighty says “Here you are - those invited to spend in the cause of Allah - but among you are those who withhold [out of greed]. And whoever withholds only withholds [benefit] from himself; and Allah is the Free of need, while you are the needy. And if you turn away, He will replace you with another people; then they will not be the likes of you.” Surah Muhammad

Brothers in Islam, Allah the Almighty has incited His believing slaves to spend and give in His cause and has promised them reward and recompense with paradise below which rivers run in an eternal abode. And our Prophet has also explained and clarified in more than one Hadith that those who spend and give in charity in the way of Allah have great reward
Indeed Sadaqah and Zakah and spending in the way of Allah is purification of the self from the worship of other than Allah the Almighty, and ascension and elevation and shelter from miserliness that sinks the believer into the worship of money and truthful is the Allah, the great, who says
Take, [O, Muhammad], from their wealth a charity by which you purify them and cause them increase, and invoke [Allah 's blessings] upon them. Indeed, your invocations are reassurance for them. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.”

So spending in the way of Allah is in reality a protection of money and increase in it, and it does not reduce it or result in its exhaustion as some people think. Allah says “Say, "Indeed, my Lord extends provision for whom He wills of His servants and restricts [it] for him. But whatever thing you spend [in His cause] - He will compensate it; and He is the best of providers.

and the Prophet (peace be upon him) has said
There is no day people will wake up except there are 2 angels who will come down and say oh Allah give the one who is giving replacement for what he gave. And the other one will say and give the one who is withholding disappearance or waste for what he is withholding.” (Agreed upon)

O the groups of Muslims all over earth, this is a call to your in these blessed days from the oppressed Muslim people of Somalia that has been dried by hot winds and several kinds of poverty, hunger and diseases, calling for your help and aid even with a single dollar that will quench the thirst of a group of believers 
We are the Ummah of a million and a half Muslim, even if the million cannot help even with a single dollar, one dollar from the remaining half million will suffice to contain this disastrous crisis , the news of which has spread by many media outlets in the world.

Yes O brothers of Islam, one dollar from each person who has faith in Allah will cut the path in front of the traders of blood and wars and other criminals who work to Christianize the hungry in return for a bag of rice and a jug of water.

So O the men of our Ummah and its women, fear Allah in your Muslim brothers and sisters and sons. Hasten to spend in the way of Allah and buy the paradise from The Gracious, The Merciful whose riches do not end, help your brothers and sisters and before that the honor of your religion.

You are today responsible in front of The All knower, The All Hearer who has created you and those before you and to Him is the return. Remember that you will be asked surely of the question as informed by the messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) 

"The two feet of the Son of Adam will not move from near his Lord on the Day of Judgement until he is asked about five (matters): about his life - how he spent it; about his youth - how he took care of it; about his wealth - how he earned it and where he spent it; and about that which he acted upon from the knowledge he acquired"” (reported by Tirmidhi, declared Saheh by Albani)

And he also said- Allah the Almighty gives a group of people from His blessings for the good of the slaves (people), and he keeps it with them as long as they spend it, and if they refrain it, He removes it from them and transfers it to other than them (declared Hasan by Albani)

And from the Hadith of Muslim -May Allah have mercy on him- the saying of the messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) ” Out of a dinar which you spend in the way of Allah and a dinar which you spend on freeing a slave and a dinar which you give to a poor person…..”

And Ibn taymiyyah- May Allah have mercy on him- said, you will not spend a penny with which you want the face of Allah except that your degree will be increased by one level.

O groups of the people of Islam, all praise is to Allah, that Allah has raised for this Ummah, believing Muslims, sincere to their religion, defending the cause of- there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah- who are not deterred by trade nor sale, except seeking the paradise and eternity in the Firdaus of the Most Gracious.
Men, who struggled with all the possible means of effort and jihad and hard work and self denial in spite of the scarcity of their aids and the vastness of their enemies except that by the grace of the Sustainer who is All Powerful, they took upon themselves to protect most of what they can from the bulk of the people of afflicted Somalia.

They are your men and your brothers and your grateful and sincere sons and your true defense shield and the grand sons of the Companions and the followers
May Allah reward them on behalf of Islam and Muslims with the best reward, they did not leave any charity or Zakah or grant except that they distributed it in secret and open. They set up camps for the people and transferred what they can of water and wheat and rice, and other kinds of rations and health resources, and then they supported what they can from the farmers and workers and they set up central bases in various parts of the country for relief works, and collection of Zakah and charity and grants from the rich Muslims on declared terms observing no nepotism like the Christian organizations that have political agendas or others as is done by the western associations and organizations that claim human rights falsely
O the groups of Muslims spend in the way of Allah, Allah will spend on you, and help your brothers, Allah will have mercy upon you, defend your religion and oppressed people, and do not leave them an easy prey for the politicians and opportunists, hasten to purchase the eternal sale of Allah, indeed the sale of Allah is Paradise. 

Spend o brother and do not fear loss, for the sustenance

Of the slaves have been distributed by the Lord

Misery in money helps not in the world 

And spending forth with effort brings no harm

Your Prophet was the most charitable from amongst the people and most generous of men, and he was most generous of all in Ramadan, he was in it like the ordered wind, and the blessings and praise of Allah has been upon him for reaching the level of human perfection in his love for charity, the spending of one who fears not poverty, with confidence in the great grace of Allah and belief that He is the one who provides sustenance, the Great Giver
Bukhari narrates on the authority of Abu Hurairah:If I had gold equal to the mountain of uhud, it would not please me that anything of it should remain with me after three nights (i.e., I would spend all of it in Allah's Cause) except what I would keep for repaying debts."

And here are the students of Muhammad (peace be upon him) today, the Youth Mujahedeen Movement, in the Muslim Somalia, walking on the same path, trustworthy in spending and merciful on the poor and needy, their slogan is the saying of Allah “And of the people is he who sells himself, seeking means to the approval of Allah. And Allah is kind to [His] servants.”

And to you O our precious Ummah, men and women and youth, some pictures that are a proof of what is mentioned above.

The General Administration accredited and responsible exclusively for correspondence
The leadership of Zakat and voluntary contributions and relief committees in the Islamic Land of Somalia

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