Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2011

ashia al rafida al majuseian

                              بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم  



The fourth and final part of the video documentary "The Great Satan" talking about the bullying of Shia against Sunnis, throughout history, and the unprecedented hypocrisy Shiite missionaries, that if every detail of the evil ideology of the Shia accelerate known them say that it is attributed with nothing "to do real has" Shiism and some disgusting acts, some Shia Shiite sect, but clearly as a "real" than the šiizam.
How would Muslims najneupućenijim realized this insidious game rafidijskih Shiite missionaries and their helpers from among the so-called. Sunni religious authority, cited in this part of the video documentation of modern idols Shiite Khomeini, not hidden in his works, the hatred of the Companions and the Sunnis and showed rafidijsku ideology, so that sending prayers or even do worship stones, and not only their "bezgrješim" imams.Under the condition of Sunnis in Iran today, and torture of Shiites Rafidija Iran, you can choose from the testimony of a scholar from Iran sunnitskog lernen.Auch to find out what the Muslim scholars throughout history of Islam, Shia-Rafidija said.Finally, find out why the Shiite Rafidis considerable success in its missionary activities have in converting the Sunnis šiizam all slucaja (cause) of the known religious "authorities" who praise Rafidis, give them the honor and even Shiite government, to take their role models.We ask Allah, the corrupt ideology of the Muslim Shiites to get! We ask Allah save the Muslims from the evil satanic alliance hypocritical and unscrupulous so-called Shia.Sunni religious authority, under whose blessing pokvarana propagated to the end of the hypocritical Shiite Ideologie.Wir ask Allah for those who call themselves followers of the Sunnah, and lead praise and justify all kinds of "religious authorities", the Shia, the doormissionary work in Bosnia opened and wholeheartedly supports the promotion of Shia Muslims in Bosnia! Amin!Video can be downloaded here or online.
                               Other parts of the video documentary:
                           Great Satan, the first part:
                        2nd large part of Satan:

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